The Last Curtin Call

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This post will be my final post until next year, 2022. What I hoped to provide people with is an outlet for how Covid-19 has affected the movie industry in some negative was as well as positive ways. While Covid-19 has taken the world by surprise, it has showed and taught us all that we must be prepared for anything and everything at a moment’s notice. Being prepared for the worst-case scenario is something that all of us must be ready for. This pandemic has been nothing but relentless and unforgiving and a real pain in the butt for the entire world. It does not matter who you are and what skin color you are and what sex and what your ethic background is, Covid-19 has affected everyone in some capacity.

There is well over 5.2 million deaths worldwide and the deaths unfortunately will continue to rise in the coming months and years. Though, this is something that we all must come to grips with as Covid-19 will still be around until the end of time sadly. There is no hope to truly eradicate it. While wearing masks in public and at home is something that has become a daily and routinely part of our lives, this is something that we also must get used to as well. When we go out to eat with friends and family, when we go to work and school, when we go on vacations and travel on planes, when we go to the movie theaters, we must be more conscientious and understanding to other people around us that wearing masks and making sure people are vaccinated, taking other therapeutics is the only way we will ever get back to normal.

I have gone through what everyone else has gone through, having known someone that contracted Covid like a family member or friend. I am able to relate to the average person when it comes to wanting to go back enjoying going to the movies with my friends, going to sport games, concerts, birthday parties, weddings, etc. We must all try to work together and put our differences aside if we all want to get back to normal again. I do like to think positive and do hope for the best. While things may look really grim and depressing now, I do believe that next year in 2022 and beyond, that the world and the movie industry will come back stronger and better than ever before.

Published by christsarouhas007

I am an avid movie buff. I also play videogames when I have the time. I also like to travel whenever possible. I like to read and draw Marvel and Disney sketches. I also like spending time with my girlfriend Danielle.

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